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MY Yard - Nature White LDPE - A4 - 1.5mm

Hersteller: FLUX | Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 6098402777761
lieferbar in ca. 2-3 Wochen
CHF 39.38
inkl. MWST zzgl.


MY YARD Nature White LDPE A4 sheet material for your FORMART machine.

LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) is non-toxic, lightweight, cold-resistant, flexible, easy to mold, non-sticky, and strong, making it ideal for all kinds of fine turning mold applications. Size:   

  • 1.5mm - 10 sheets


  • *LDPE is easy to be broken if the forming pressure higher than 60KPA, it is recommended to appropriately reduce the suction power and use microporous forming bed add-ons.


  • Pre-heating: Not necessary
  • Best forming temperature: 115 ~ 120 ˚C
  • Application temperature: -40~90˚C
  • Voorverwarmen: Niet nodig
  • Beste vormingstemperatuur: 115 ~ 120 ˚C
  • Verwerkingstemperatuur: -40~90˚C


  • Resin molds, handmade soap molds, plaster molds, concrete molds, etc. It is very suitable for fine turning molds.