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MY Yard - White HIPS - A4

Hersteller: FLUX | Hersteller Artikel-Nr.: 6098402776764
lieferbar in ca. 2-3 Wochen
CHF 44.40
inkl. MWST zzgl.


MY YARD White HIPS A4 mm sheet material for your FORMART machine.

High impact polystyrene (HIPS) sheets have excellent forming details and dimensional stability, and are easy to color. It is suitable for a variety of mold turning or coloring applications.Extra's:

  • No release agent on the surface


  • Pre-heating: not necessary
  • Best forming temperature: 150 ~ 160 ˚C
  • Application temperature: 0~70˚C


  • Mold turning, soap molds, masks, cosplay props, model accessories, creative light cases, static model parts...